Linux 01 - The Intro to Linux

Linux 01 - The Intro to Linux

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Linux is a Kernel.

What is a Kernel? Kernel is a computer program at the core of the operating system that connects and manages the resources of a computer OS and it's components as best as it can.

Kernel receives the requests from users through software, understands it and allocates the resources accordingly.

The resources that Linux Kernel Manages are:

  • File Management
  • I/O Management
  • Process Management
  • Device or Drivers Management
  • Memory Management

People or organisations combine Linux with different libraries and application packages to create a distributions (Distros). The popular Linux distributions are Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Debian and etc.

Most of the organizations across the world uses Linux based servers for deploying the applications. The reasons, for many organizations choosing Linux based server are:

  1. Open Source - It is open source software that is maintained large community.

  2. Highly flexible and Configurable - Since it is open source, organizations can adapt as per their requirements.

  3. Light Weight.

  4. Fewer Malware - security threats are less compared other OS.

  5. Stable.

  6. High Performance.

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